4 Surprising Reasons Behind Squash Plants Turning Yellow


As an avid gardener, you might end up investing a lot of time and effort behind your squash plants. Thus, it’s quite natural to feel down when you see your beloved plants turning yellow and slowly heading towards its death.

And no one wants their plant to depart so soon. Hence, you might wonder what you can do if you notice your squash plants turning yellow.

Well, there are countless remedies out there, but you must try out the right one. And for that, you need to know the cause. 

Hence, why don’t we take a look at both the reasons and the solutions?

Photo of squash plant
Photo by Vnikitenko

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What are the Primary Causes of Squash Plants Turning Yellow?

Well, we hate to tell you this, but if you find a squash plant turning yellow, then chances are it’s in great danger. And you might have a difficult time pinpointing the main issue.

But fear not, because we are here. And we’ll show you how to identify the cause and then help you fight the problem. So, buckle up, people, because we’re about to commence the journey.

Reason 1- Irregular Water Supply

You know we can’t survive without water, right? Well, neither can the plants. But that’s not shocking news. The crucial thing to know is that the plants require the exact amount of water.

Too much or too little can hamper the plants. Hence, you need to be careful about the amount. However, for squash plants, the matter is quite severe. While they can survive on excess water, they can’t tolerate a lack of water.

And if the plant doesn’t get sufficient water, it starts turning yellow. Now, in case you don’t feed the plant with the right amount of water, it’ll slowly crumble up and die. But don’t be disheartened because you can fix this quite easily.

Solution- Ensure Proper Water Supply

All you have to do is water the plant regularly with a watering can. And you’ll see that it’s getting healthy again.

Now, one thing to be aware of is the season. During summer, the sun tends to dry up the water before the plant can absorb it.

Thus, you need to supply the plant with more water during those hot summer days. As for the monsoon season, you can trust the clouds to provide your plants with the right water amount.

And if you want a good night sleep, don’t forget to get yourself a self-watering pot.

Behrens 208 2-Gallon Steel Watering Can

Cesun Metal Watering Can Galvanized Steel Watering Pot

Reason 2- A Case of Nutrient Deficiency

Another thing that can be the culprit is nutrition. You see, without proper nutrition, no one can grow up to be healthy—neither us and nor the plants.

Now, the squash plants also need a variety of nutrition. But if there is an iron deficiency, it’ll cause the plant to turn yellow.

Moreover, without iron, the plants can’t make chlorophyll. Yes, the substance that’s responsible for the green color of the plant. And if they can’t make chlorophyll, they end up turning yellow.

Solution- Supply the Plant with a Sufficient Amount of Iron

Now, you might want to fix the problem. But you can’t only feed the plant with iron. No, of course not.

Instead, you have to apply the iron fertilizer to the soil. The plant will automatically soak up the iron. And you’ll see that your plant’s color changed to vibrant green again.

LawnStar Chelated Liquid Iron

Southern Ag 01952 Chelated Liquid Iron

Reason 3- Deficient Amount of Sunlight

Too much sunlight or too less, both can be the bearer of bad news for your plant. Plants love bathing in the sun. Even the squash plants. And if they don’t get 6 to 8 hours of their daily sunlight dose, then they start to turn yellow.

Yes, you have to supply enough sunlight; otherwise, you’ll have to see your plants throw tantrums. And no one wants to deal with that, do they?

Solution- Ensure Proper Sunlight

So, what you can do is place your plant in a place where sunlight falls on it directly. This way you won’t have to do any additional work.

Plus, it’s natural, so why not do that. However, if you live in a place where the sun can’t find its way, then you can buy a sun lamp. This provides artificial sunlight, which works pretty well.

Corated Sun Lamp

Reason 4- Bacteria’s Ambush

On a more serious note, if your squash plant is under the attack of bacteria then it’s in quite a lot of danger. That’s because the vicious bacteria can sneak into the plant and destroy it from the inside.

But how do you know that it’s the bacteria? Well, you can do a simple test for that. All you have to do is cut a part of its steam and squeeze out its juice.

If you see the juice is slimy or oozy, you can be sure that it’s the bacteria. And if it’s fully infected, then you should immediately remove the plant from your garden.

We know it might be hard to take off a plant from its root, but you have to do it. Otherwise, all the other plants will get harmed as well.

Solution- Clean the Soil Regularly to Keep Bacterias Away

Bacteria or fungal attacks can eventually bear deatch to your plants. Although it becomes too late to fix the plant after bacteria have attacked it, you can take some precautions. This can help save your plant from any future attack.

So, what are the precautions? Well, you can remove all the wastes of the dead plants. This only invites bacteria. And then spray the garden with pest controls from time to time.

This also keeps the harmful bacteria away from your precious plants.

Demon Max Insecticide

Syngenta 73654 Demand CS Insecticide

To Wrap Things Up

In short, make sure your squash plant gets enough water, sunlight and nutrition, and you’ll be good to go. But once in a while, do look out for the sneaky bacteria.

You never know when they might attack next. Anyway, that’s all we have on squash plants turning yellow. Till next time, folks. Take care. Adios!

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Celina Nance

It’s been a life-long wish of Celina Nance to have a lawn full of colorful flower beds. But living in Arizona city, that seems kind of impossible. But Celina Nance didn’t stop and created a full-form balcony garden instead. And he often shares stuff that he does/solves/innovates throughout the journey.

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