Light Green Grass Patches in Lawn- Why and How to Fix?


Who doesn’t love a deep green lawn? Yes, every homeowner desire for that one. But the problem arises when some factors are trying to harm your lawn. Having light green patches is one of the common problems.

Yes, we know that this is totally unwanted. But hey, there are bigger things to worry about. Leave this one on us. We will be telling you everything about light green grass patches in lawn.

So, this article will clear all of your confusions and show you the path you need to walk through. Let’s start the journey!

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Photo of green grass
Photo by Moodville

Why is There Light Green Grass Patches in Lawn?

After harvesting and growing your grass for some time, encountering light green patches in your lawn might feel like a scar.

Actually, the answer to this issue with your lawn is quite disappointing. I mean, the odd lime, fluorescent, neon or whatever you want to call it is typically an indication of soil dysfunction.

But relax, there are fixes. Let’s know first what are the other reasons:

  • Improper irrigation
  • Improper fertilization
  • Improper sunlight
  • Turf insect activities
  • Iron chlorosis
  • Disease

Well, these are the points you have to work on. Now, we will analyze the problems and show you fixes. Let’s get started!

How To Fix the Light Green Grass Patches in Lawn?

Here are the ways you should know about solving the problems.

Improper Irrigation

Well, the very first reason for having pale green or yellow patches is the most common one, lack of water. The lawn grasses which suffer from moisture stress will droop before turning yellow.

But, you probably can’t notice the drooping in closely mowed lawns. Hence, the yellow or pale green appearance will work as the very first sign of inadequate irrigation.

Solution: Check your Sprinkler whether it’s working perfectly. If not, purchase a new one. But make sure the sprinkler distributes enough water to all parts of the lawn.

Improper Fertilization

Over-fertilization can burn out the grass. On the other hand, under-fertilization, in particular, the lack of nitrogen can also be the cause of light green/yellow patches. This is why you have to be careful about fertilizing.

Nitrogen is very important for the growth of grass. The lack of nitrogen can slow the growth as well as lighten the color. In fact, non-uniform fertilizer application causes poor coloration.

In this case, some of the grass will be a fresh and healthy green color and the dome will be like pale green. So, it’s most important to emphasize fertilization.

Solution: Only fertilize your yard in the late spring plus early fall. More specifically:

  • Use a fertilizer that contains higher nitrogen content in the spring. When it’s fall, use a fertilizer with high levels of potassium (to encourage root growth and strength).
  • Organic fertilizers and slow-release fertilizers work best for the lawns. Although they take a long time to work, they are safer.
  • Use a broom or wet/dry vacuum to remove excess fertilizers.

Improper Sunlight

Well, since most of the lawns require a majority of daytime sunlight. Grass that grows in shaded areas (beneath trees) can lose its fresh, deep green color. This can easily result in different shades (pale green) throughout your lawn.

Solution: The first thing you need to do is remove the lower branches from the overhanging trees and thinning out the canopy. This will help to restore sunlight to the underlined grasses as well as deepen its color.

Turf Insects Activities

Turf insects should be your headache. Some homeowners don’t count it as a big issue. But yet, it’s an issue. Hence, you can do a PULL TEST if your lawn is attacked by pests or not.

To do so, get to the patches and try to pull out the light green grass with your hand. If they are easily coming out, there’s an insect-related problem. Otherwise, your lawn isn’t attacked by insects.

Solution: Use a turf insect killer to escape from the insects.

Iron Chlorosis

When there are light green and yellowish patches in your lawn, it can happen for iron chlorosis. Leaf-blades of the grass is generally striped green or yellow or completely yellow.

Iron chlorosis occurs in high pH (alkaline) soils with high phosphorus levels and also under cool, wet soil conditions.

Solution: Avoid using the fertilizers that are high in phosphorus. Top dress turf with ¼-⅓” compost. Aerate your lawn once in a year.


The diseases which change grass color are generally limited to specific spots within the lawn instead of wide spreading areas. ‘Yellow Patch’ is a disease that causes spots of light green grass that measure about 2-3 inches across. When the disease progresses, the light green color turns yellow by degrees.

Another disease named ‘Sclerotinia dollar spot’ that causes light patches of grass that generally fade from green to pale yellow day by day.

Solution: Treat these using fungicide and help your lawn to restore health and color.


Always wear gloves when you apply fertilizer. Since it contains chemicals, it can be irritating to your skin.

Light Green Grass Patches in Lawn – FAQs

Question: After the application of fertilizer, a heavy rainfall happened, will my application still be effective?

Answer: Yes, fertilizers love water, it will benefit the application.

Question: How should I water my grass so that they can stay fresh, green?

Answer: Actually, your grass needs 1.5-2 inches of water per week. But, sometimes, a little more in hot and dry weather.

Question: When can I mow my lawn after applying fertilizer?

Answer: You can directly mow after watering.


So, here is the end of our journey. We tried our best not to waste your time reading this article. Now, you may have a clear idea about why light green patches in your lawn and how you can fight this.

Though you are now okay with the help you need. But stay careful from the very first as if you don’t have to work hard in the future. Remove weeds, water properly and mow on a regular basis. Take care of your green ground.

At last, good luck with the troubleshooting you are going to do!

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