How Long Should You Stay Off Grass After Pesticide?


The goal of applying pesticides is to make your lawn a more pleasant place- fewer weeds, fewer bugs. But if you are not aware of how long should you stay off grass after pesticide, these treatments may not be as safe as you assume.

But you are here to know the answer because you are aware of things. Well, let us help you to know the concise information regarding this topic. We are going to explain all of ‘why, how, where’ in this article.

Let’s begin, shall we?

Photo of green grass
Photo by Moodville

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Understanding Pesticides

Some people may believe that some pesticides are safe while others are dangerous. But the fact is not likely this, all chemicals including all pesticides have the potential to be hazardous.

In fact, products that are considered low in toxicity, organic, or natural also can be hazardous if someone or something comes in contact with enough of the substance. All too often, pesticides

  • Are toxic in themselves
  • Often combined with other compounds (whose interaction maybe unknown)
  • Are combined with ‘inert’ ingredients which is more dangerous than acknowledged
  • Can break down into other toxins
  • Can volatilize to form VOCs, which

-are toxic

-can recombine into new and toxic chemicals

-contribute to ground-level ozone

For How Long Will I Stay Off Grass After Applying Pesticide?

Actually, there is no scientific standard for how long one should stay off a lawn after it is treated. Many of the companies that use these chemicals warn that people should stay away from sprayed surfaces for 6-24 hours.

Yet a 2013 study examined the levels of lawn pesticides in the urine of dogs and found that herbicides persisted on the lawn surfaces for at least 48 hours after spraying. So, it would be the safest option to keep that in mind.

4 Things You Need to Know Before Applying Pesticides

The fact is if you can apply pesticides being aware of all the dos and don’ts, chances will be the least to be affected by the harmful effects of pesticides. Before using a pesticide:

  • Read the label thoroughly
  • Be familiar with all of the precautions
  • Be familiar with ‘First aid’ information
  • Put on the personal protective equipment (PPE)

Pesticide Exposure

Pesticides can enter your body through inhalation, absorption by the skin and eyes, or ingestion. And the most exposure is received by the skin, so it’s urgent to cover as much body as possible.

So, make sure you wear the required PPE (printed on the label) before you open the pesticide container. Note that contact lenses can trap materials on the eyes, must wear eye protection, or remove lenses before mixing and applying pesticides.

Things You Must Follow During Applying Pesticides

Some important information must be needed to know about applying pesticides. Here you go:

  • Never apply pesticides outdoors on a windy day.
  • To reduce misting, use coarse droplet nozzles on your sprayer.
  • Try to spray as close to the target as possible.
  • Do not apply pesticides on hot days (with a temperature above 90 degrees Fahrenheit). The active ingredients in pesticides may vaporize and drift onto non-target surfaces.
  • Always avoid excess application.
  • Read the label to determine whether the pesticide should be watered in irrigation or not.
  • Never mix/apply pesticide near wellheads, bodies of water (e.g creeks & streams), or stormwater drains.
  • Always keep the pesticide away from the plants or wildlife you don’t want to treat.

Things Which You Need to Follow While Mixing Pesticides

While mixing the pesticides:

  • Try not to smell it and follow the ‘directions for use’ on the label carefully.
  • Mix or dilute the pesticide outdoors or a well-ventilated area.
  • Always mix only the amount that you need for each application, not more.
  • Keep children, toys, and pets away from areas where you mix and apply pesticides.
  • In case, clothing becomes saturated in spray solution or contaminated with the pesticide concentrate, to dispose of it immediately,

– Take off contaminated clothing

-Without a delay, rinse well your skin with plenty of water for 15-20 minutes

-And then, call a poison control or doctor for treatment advice.

Things You Must Follow After Applying Pesticides

The very first thing to do after applying pesticides is to follow proper cleaning procedures.

  • For removing pesticide residues, use a bucket to thoroughly rinse tools and equipment that you used during mixing the pesticide. Also, pour the rinse water into the sprayer, and dispose of it by applying it to a labeled site.
  • Wash non-absorbent gloves and rubber boots with hot soapy water.
  • Wash each part of your body that may have come in contact with the pesticide.
  • Do not mix contaminated clothing worn during pesticide applications with another family laundry (in the hamper or the wash).

About The Storage of Pesticides

Never use any food containers (e.g empty soft drinks or milk bottles) to store pesticides into these. Keep pesticides in their original containers and make sure they are airtight.

In case, a spill occurs, don’t wash it away, just clean it up promptly. Sprinkle the spill with sawdust, kitty litter, or vermiculite. Sweep it into a plastic garbage bag and dispose of it as mentioned on the pesticide product label.

How Long Should You Stay Off Grass After Pesticide? – FAQs

Question: How long should I wait after spraying pesticides?

Answer: Wait at least 3 hours before you go into your home to allow the pesticide to dry and limit exposure.

Question: Does the rain wash away pesticides?

Answer: For most of the pesticides, the rain will remove the pesticide residue.

Question: How Long do pesticides stay on my body?

Answer: There are low (less than 16-day half-life) moderate (16-59 days), and high (over 60 days) three groups of pesticide in order to estimate persistence.


So, this is everything we kept for you. Hopefully, by reading this article, you are no more confused about how long should you stay off grass after pesticide.

As pesticides are not safe in many ways, try to follow all of the instructions about using and storing them. Never forget to practice ‘safety first’ tradition.

Good luck!

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