Clematis Leaves Turning Yellow: Explanation and Solution


The clematis leaves can mesmerize you in seconds. And they’re quite tricky to grow. So, when you finally see some growth in your back garden the last thing you want is them turning yellow.

Now, before you get frustrated and start blaming your gardening skills give us a moment. It might not be your fault.

If it isn’t your fault then why are the clematis leaves turning yellow?

Well, to be frank, there can be many reasons behind this. But for each problem, there is a simple and easy solution.

So, why don’t we take a look at these problems and solutions in detail?

Photo of Clematis leaves
Photo by Kukuruxa

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Reasons and solutions for clematis leaves turning yellow

The clematis leaves are a beautiful addition to your garden. But for a few reasons they can turn yellow. And that ruins the entire outlook of the plant.

It also shows other people that you don’t take care of your plants that well. Now, you don’t want to get labeled as a bad gardener for the rest of your life, do you?

Of course not. So, let’s figure out the reason behind the yellow leaves and hunt down their solutions.

Reason 1: Heavy Exposure to Moisture

The primary reason for the yellow leaves on your plant can often be too much moisture. You see, the clematis plants can’t handle too much moisture.

They are too feeble when it comes to high humidity. So, if you live at a place where the humidity is too high then your plants won’t be too happy. And they’ll show you this by turning their leaves yellow.

So, how do you notice high humidity? Well, the obvious signs are condensation on windows, clammy feeling, and constantly feeling hot even though there is no sign of the sun.

Now, if humidity is your problem, then there are ways to solve it. So, don’t worry. Simply scroll down to get the answer you want to know.

Solution: How to Reduce Moisture Exposure?

When there is a problem there is always a solution. So, if your clematis leave is turning yellow for high humidity all you have to do is place it in a place with low humidity.

And if that’s not possible then get an air cooler. As you see, you can’t really control the weather. But you can lower the humidity using an air cooler.

Combine that with proper ventilation and a proper watering schedule and you’ll see your clematis leaves healing.

Reason 2: A Case of Magnesium Deficiency

Another reason for the yellow leaves of the clematis plant is the deficiency of magnesium. Now this happens when the soil does not have enough magnesium.

Thus, the clematis leave is deprived of its daily dose of magnesium. And to let you know about its suffering it turns it’s yellow leaves.

So, how do you know that the soil is lacking in the magnesium department? Simply, all you have to do is notice whether the yellow turning pattern starts from the older leaves or not.

In other words, you have to see whether the older leaves turn yellow at first. Then you can be sure about the fact that the soil lacks magnesium, a key element for the growth of plants.

Solution: How to Ensure the Clematis Plant Gets Enough Magnesium?

It goes without saying that yellow leaves can confuse you more than your partner. However, once you confirm that lack of magnesium is the reason for yellow leaves you need to take steps to solve it. The best part is you can take two approaches to this problem.

Number one is mixing 4 cups of Epsom salt with a gallon of water. This makes a solution that you can store in a sprayer.

Then you can spray it on the plant from time to time to see improvements. But a fair warning for you, this will take a while so have some patience.

However, if you want a more permanent solution then you can apply Epsom salt to the soil. This will supply the plant with sufficient magnesium and the new leaves will be green and healthy.

But this won’t fix the existing leaves. However, on the plus side, you only have to apply the salt to the ground once a year.

Reason 3: Bacteria Attack

Some bacterias can also cause yellow leaves on your plants. Now, if you’re into gardening you’ll notice that the plants always seem to invite unwanted pests around it.

And these insects can suck the life out of your clematis and leave them alone to slowly turn yellow. To top it off the leaves will eventually die if it isn’t taken care of.

Moreover, since pests like mites thrive on sucking plants they won’t leave that easily. So, you’ll have to take matters into your own hand.

Now, the question is how do you get rid of bacteria from clematis leaves? Stay tuned to unlock the answer.

Solution: How to Remove Pests from Clematis Leaves?

Well, everyone wants to get rid of bugs from their garden. Why won’t they? They’re unhygienic creatures that only damage the plants.

And it’s wise to get rid of them before they have the opportunity to destroy your garden. So, to remove the pests you can use a bunch of different things.

You can try using a water pressure spray to spray off the annoying pests. Or you can upgrade a little and use an insect vacuum that’ll sweep off all the insects from your plant.

And if you want to go all-natural you can use herbal water spray or pepper spray to remove all the insects.

To Wrap Up

With that, we conclude our article. But we hope you now know the reason behind your clematis leaves turning yellow.

Moreover, you have the knowledge of how to tackle the problem. So, try out the method yourself and let us know how things turned out. We’ll love to read your feedback. 

So, that’s it for now. Take care. Bye-bye!

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Celina Nance

It’s been a life-long wish of Celina Nance to have a lawn full of colorful flower beds. But living in Arizona city, that seems kind of impossible. But Celina Nance didn’t stop and created a full-form balcony garden instead. And he often shares stuff that he does/solves/innovates throughout the journey.

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